Diesel Plus Oil Treatment DP-88
DP-88 is a diesel fuel oil combustion liquid additive designed for use in diesel power trucks, buses, farm equipment, commercial vehicles, and off-road diesel powered equipment. It is a highly complex formulation containing solvents and specially developed stabilizers. It does not contain any heavy metals or other
potentially harmful elements. The DP-88 additive improves operating characteristics and efficiency without harmful effects on engines or exhaust system components. It completely burns the carbon in diesel fuel,
eliminating unburned hydrocarbons, reducing emissions, engine maintenance and corrosion.
Initially DP-88 is added directly to the vehicle tank, day tank or limited supply container. It should be applied before additional fuel is added for complete mixing. Subsequent treatment should be to storage tanks and may be carried out manually, by a metering pump or a proportioning pump. The effect of DP-88 is
cumulative. A typical dosage rate is 1 gallon of DP-88 per 2000 gallons of fuel.
DP-88 has been tested at the Amboy Bus Company, a school bus company in Amboy, New York. The test covered 3 months and recorded all mileage and gallons of fuel. The average improvement was a 13.6% increase in fuel economy (miles per gallon). Two other tests were conducted on Ford and Mack tractors that haul compressed garbage; these are vehicles that transport heavy loads for short distances. This was at the Liberty Waste Management Company in Yonkers, New York in 1990. The results showed 5.1% and 8.4% increases in fuel economy.
DP-88 Benefits:
- DP-88 improves fuel economy and reduces pollution and equipment maintenance. DP-88 will:
Produce fuel savings in the form of increased mileage and fuel savings depending upon the type of equipment and conditions - Reduce the emission of exhaust smoke caused by carbon, unburned fuel or contaminants
- Chemically dissolve particles of gum, resin, carbon, paraffin, and polymers found in diesel fuel reducing these deposits in tanks and fuel lines and on injectors and the corrosion of lines and pistons; time between inspection and replacement of injectors may be increased, reducing material and labor costs
- Result in a decrease in wash cycle of trailers and buses because less smoke is emitted from the vehicles’ stacks.
DP-88 Directions for Use:
In all cases the recommended treatment rate should be applied initially. Subsequently, particularly with large users. Empirical methods will determine the most economic treatment rate for each particular application. It is recommended that the initial dosage; which should be regarded as a "purge" treatment, be added directly to the vehicle tank. day-tank. or similar limited supply container.
DP-88 should be applied before additional fuel is added so that complete mixing occurs. Subsequent treatment should take place by dosage to the bulk storage tanks. and may be carried out manually. by metering pump. or by a proportioning pump.
The effect of the product is cumulative and will be found to have residual qualities so that. even if occasionally. minimal quantities of untreated fuel are supplied. this will not materially affect the overall advantage. For very large installations a survey is recommended to determine the most economic treatment rate and
method of application.
Initial Dosage
Regular Treatment
1 gallon per 1000 gallons
2 gallons per 1000 gallons
DP-88 should be stored in containers that are kept sealed from the atmosphere and away from conditions of extreme heat and cold. The product should not be allowed to come into continuous contact with the skin or splashed into the eyes or on clothing. In case of such contact the area should be washed with soap and water and rinsed with clean water.
In case of spillage. drench with water.
The vapor should not be inhaled in confined spaces or for a prolonged period.
If swallowed. do not induce vomiting. A physician should be called immediately.
DP-88 containers do not require shaking. tumbling or mixing before use. as the product is homogeneous.
DP-88 is available in 55 gallon. 35 gallon. 20 gallon and 6 gallon drums.
DP-88 Diesel Fuel Combustion Catalyst
Would you pay 3¢ more per gallon for diesel fuel if you knew you could improve your fuel mileage 12%? Of course, you would ... and you can by using DP-88 mixed in your fuel.
Recent road tests on diesel-fired buses conclude that DP-88 improved mpg performances 12.3%, while eliminating carbon particulate in diesel exhaust streams.
DP-88 consists of a proprietary blend of metallic compounds dissolved into a solvent system that is compatible with hydrocarbon fuels. The solvent system performs a dual' function by desludging deposits that occur in small diameter transfer lines and nozzles as well as to distribute the catalyst throughout the fuel.
1) The organic portion has been designed to fragment thermally to afford a minimum of six free radical species per catalyst molecule, and this begins long before ordinary oxidation would occur. These fragments initiate free radical chain reactions that cascade to involve millions of molecules. The catalyst functions at this stage by lowering the energy barrier to initiate reaction and by initiating millions of individual free radical chain reactions, improving the intensity and efficiency of the burning process.
2) Once the organic portion of the molecule has 'been consumed, a metal cation capable of multiple valence states is present which will survive the most intense of burning conditions. These cations undergo oxidation and reduction by one-electron transfers (i.e., free radical encounters). This continues the initiation of free radical chain reactions and, therefore, helps fragment and later burn the higher molecular weight components in the fuel.
The catalytic agents guarantee the more complete combustion of the fuel and reduce waste. Further, by increasing the number of free radical initiations, the catalysts also increase the intensity of the flame. This leads to higher flame temperature and greater efficiency.
The free radicals generated also assist in the removal of deposits in engines or turbines. In principle, the mechanism for this action parallels the removal of a lead mirror by ethyl free radicals from tetraethyl lead in gasoline.
Auxiliary agents are included in DP-88 to cope with fuels of sulfur, sodium, or calcium content or to alleviate smoking during fire-up. These agents do not interfere with the catalytic effects discussed above and can be very helpful with the problems of a specific combustion unit.
Vehicles using DP-88 include:
Sea Ships
Heavy Equipment